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1) Gleeson Construction     
CE Gleeson is a local contractor who builds for Lifetime Fitness and Whole Foods Locally.  The Gleeson Foundation expert came on site to evaluate the project. The individual had 30 years of foundation experience and he told us the carports need water management and maintenance.  He indicated the walls were in need of attention but he would not recommend replacement.  
2) Powers Construction
Powers Construction is a local builder with expertise in commercial and residential building. The lead engineer and construction site supervision came out and evaluated the project. He pointed out the water damage on the walls and recommended  water management options and minor wall repair. He indicated that select areas of the wall could be replaced but the foundation had no issues and replacement was required. 
3) Foundation Specialists of Michigan (FSM)
Foundation Specialists of Michigan has expertise in foundation installation, replacement and repair. Their expert came out and evaluated the project and provided a quotation for addressing the issues with the carports ( see below). He recommended sealing the back walls of the carports to keep the water from further damaging the walls. He also recommended new landscape and water management and he was adamant that replacement was not necessary and all issues could be addressed without replacement. 
Our bylaws State:
The  Nature or extent of Limited Common elements cannot be modified in any material way or the responsibility for maintenance, repair or replacement without written consent from the co-owners and mortgagee.  
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